Events and exhibtions

  • Ocean University
  • Verschiedene Vorlesungen zum Thema Klima an der JGU.Immer montags um 18:15 Uhr
  • Ausstellung Bending the Curve in Frankfurt 


Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung, Frankfurt:

Institut für Klimafolgenforschung

Botanischer Garten, Mainz

Naturhistorisches Museum, Mainz

Gutenberg Museum, Mainz


Exkursion: Klima Biennale Wien

In March we went to Vienna for a week to visit the Climate Biennale. Read more

Klima Biennale Wien

In March we went to Vienna for a week to visit the Climate Biennale. There, we explored various exhibits that delved into the complex and urgent themes of global change, the climate crisis, biodiversity loss, and their impacts on the human-nature relationship. These displays made these issues tangible and experiential, highlighting the often underutilized potential of art in this context.

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